Rohit's Realm - May 06, 2003

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May 06, 2003

It's Just Too Early

Sometimes I just feel like it's way to early in the morning to be dealing with all the crap that happens. Today's ochem lecture was a prime example. To begin with, there are some huge losers who show up about 2 hours early for lecture, take up all the good seats, and so when I show up at 8am (which is early by Berkeley time), I still end up sitting in the way back. But today was much worse -- the lecture just kept on dragging and dragging and dragging, till the point where I felt physically anxious. I guess this must be what it feels like to be claustrophobic and trapped in an elevator or something. Not to mention the person sitting next to me just didn't know anything about lecture hall etiquette. Everyone knows that the left arm rest is off limits and equally so, you're right elbow shouldn't go past the arm of your desk. I usually sit on the aisles so I can get the hell out of there, but the person to my left KEPT JABBING her elbow into my side. What the HELL? Also, some person was passing gas throughout the duration of the lecture!!!!! It smelled SO BAD! And then there were the goddamn dumbasses who sit down IN THE AISLES when there are entire rows of seats open in the back. Do you really think you will be able to see better if you are on the GROUND as opposed to a few rows back? Of course not! Stop being dumb, sitting in the aisles next to me, and hitting my legs all the time. That's super annoying.