Rohit's Realm - November 2005

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November 28, 2005

Travel, Turkey, and Technology

Turkey Day, 2005, has come and gone, and in the grand tradition of incorrigible nerdiness, I spent most of it sitting at home and working on Rohit's Realm. Now, most of you are probably wondering what I was doing wasting time on a computer or writing letters to my children, when I should have been investing effort into my romantic quest, but since I've been living out of a suitcase for the past three weeks, including as I write this now, it's been somewhat difficult to meet the love of my life. Don't worry - I'll get back on it as soon as I return to San Francisco. Until then, bear with me.

November 23, 2005

To My Children

Dearest Children,

Forgive me, for if you are indeed reading this letter, that means I am veritably a father and probably have much to atone. I sincerely hope you took most of your qualities from your mother, since quite frankly, with the exception of my unwavering cynicism and prolific hatred, I do not offer much, especially genetically. Moreover, she must be quite an amazing woman to have put up with my antics for such a long time.

November 04, 2005

My Romantic Quest: From Cynicism to Nihilism (Part 1)

Halloween 2005 has come and gone, and with it, one of the more momentous occasions in the short, but turbulent history of No, dumbasses, I'm not referring to the photographic evidence of my handiwork as a makeup artist that was recently made available on my gallery, although I am quite proud of my new found skills with eyeliner. Give up? Well, October 31, 2005, marked the fourth anniversary of the founding of the Realm!