Rohit's Realm

// / archive / 2005 / 07 / 29 / europe-2005---day-two---windsor-castle

July 29, 2005

Europe 2005 - Day Two - Windsor Castle

Novotel Hotel, London Heathrow. Our European escapade started off on a very positive note today, as the flight to London's Heathrow Airport was smooth and immigration/customs presented no hassle whatsoever. I was incredibly jetlagged when we arrived at the Novotel Hotel near Heathrow at around 2 PM GMT, but a quick shower prepared me for what was to come next.

One of my mom's friends from way back in grade school, who lived in the London area, had offered to have us over for dinner, and in the course of going to her place, we stopped by Windsor Castle, summer home for the Royal Family of England. Although we could not enter the castle itself due to the time of day, I was still quite pleased to be able to see something new on a day I had basically relegated to recovering from jetlag. In addition to observing the castle, we also had the opportunity to walk along the long walk and further see the Thames River before it becomes huge as in the City of London.

Along with the castle, we observed Eton Prep. school where many famous dignitaries, as well as both English princes, attended. I used the opportunity to field test my new Nikon DSLR, with mixed results, which I will probably discuss at length in a separate entry. All in all, it was a very pleasant afternoon and evening, although it's almost 11 PM, and now I am not feeling the least bit sleepy. Our tour starts tomorrow at 6 AM, so my guess is the jetlag will continue for a couple more days. Next stop, Nancy, France! Pictures from Windsor are here.


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