Rohit's Realm - May 2005

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May 10, 2005

Advent of the Anticlimactic

I find it quite fitting that my first post in nearly a month should fall on the same day that effectively marked the end of my undergraduate career at Cal, considering my rather extended hiatus from the online world was a direct consequence of all the academic manure under which I had been buried in the last few weeks. As I had mentioned in a previous entry, I had been experiencing burn out like I never have before in my life, and no words can express the anticipation with which I was awaiting this fateful day - May 10, 2005. Yet, the day has come and nearly gone, and I still have not felt anything special. How anticlimactic!

May 23, 2005

Bye Bye, ResComp

With my time in Berkeley coming to a close very soon, I have had to say many goodbyes in the past few weeks to people, places, and things. Those who know me know that I'm not exactly an emotional person, and in particular, I'm not very emotional about goodbyes. I think the following email I wrote to friends and colleagues at ResComp, where I have worked the longest of any job I have held at Cal (three years in various capacities) really sums up my approach: