Rohit's Realm - March 09, 2006

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March 09, 2006

Rohit Sucks

After four years of writing necessarily controversial, not to mention angry, bitter, elitist, cynical, vitriolic, and vindictive articles for this web site, I don't think it would surprise any reasonable individual familiar with my site to learn I have achieved a certain degree of notoriety in select circles. Veritably, in light of some of my best (or worst, depending on your perspective) entries ascending in the proverbial Google ranks, it might not even surprise the seasoned reader to learn of a certain reputation amongst complete strangers, fueled by friend-of-friend-of-friend linking and arbitrary searches on the Internet. Certainly, the recent influx of random comments would seem to support that conclusion. Yet, despite all this cursory knowledge, I was still completely unprepared for a fantastic discovery I made today, while errantly scanning statistics for my site.