Rohit's Realm - October 2010

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October 03, 2010

Late Twenties Liminality

Late twenties. The term to me evokes an image of relative age without the gravitas that usually accompanies it. Far too old to go unchallenged for the general buffoonery that may have come to pass in years past (and in my case, certainly did—on a regular basis), one is simultaneously still too young to be taken seriously by anyone who matters.1 A kid to all the adults and an adult to all the kids, where does that leave those of us who find ourselves in this hapless state? In a wretched sort of liminality, I suppose, and more importantly, with a decision to make.

October 14, 2010

Touch the Magic: the Bay Area

Last I left you, dear readers, I was ensconced in a most melancholy state, brooding somewhere in the depths of Orange County. A lot has transpired since then. For starters, I have moved to a new time zone and am writing this from my new apartment. But more on that (very) soon. Today, I discuss what passed in the interim, namely a trip to the Bay Area for my five-year college reunion, Cal's Homecoming Game against UCLA, and most importantly, a reunion tour with the maladjusted boys formerly of 1524.

October 31, 2010

Hello, New York

In my last entry describing a trip to the Bay Area, I promised you, dear readers, to very soon update you on my whereabouts that notably involved both a new time zone and a new apartment. That was almost three weeks ago, a tidy sum of time that almost no one would consider to mean soon, let alone very soon. But this is the sort of inconsistency and distressing failure for which I (and this site) have long been known. Better late than never.